RCG MDM System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

accounts-get-account-responseAccount Retrieve Mapping for MDM System
accounts-storedprocedure-requestAccount Create Mapping for MDM System
contactpointsaddress-storedprocedure-requestContactPointAddress Create/Update Mapping for MDM System
contactpointsemail-storedprocedure-requestContactPointEmail Create/Update Mapping for MDM System
contactpoints-get-responseContactPoint Retrieve Mapping for MDM System
contactpointsphone-storedprocedure-requestContactPointPhone Create/Update Mapping for MDM System
customers-get-responseCustomer Query Mapping for MDM System
customers-patch-payloadCustomer Update Mapping for MDM System
customers-post-payloadCustomer Create Mapping for MDM System
customers-search-responseCustomer Search Mapping for MDM System
get-externalids-responseExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System
get-productcatalog-responseProductCatalog Query Mapping for MDM System
get-productcategory-responseProductCategory Query Mapping for MDM System
get-productpricebookentry-responseExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System
get-related-parties-responseRelatedParties Query Mapping for MDM System
orders-get-productitems-responseProductItems Query Mapping for MDM System
orders-get-responseOrder Query Mapping for MDM System
orders-patch-payloadOrder Create Mapping for MDM System
orders-post-payloadOrder Create Mapping for MDM System
orders-search-responseOrder Query Mapping for MDM System
parties-get-responseParties Query Mapping for MDM System
parties-related-parties-externalidsExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System
partyroles-get-responsePartyRoles Query Mapping for MDM System
post-externalids-payloadExternalIds Upsert Mapping for MDM System
products-get-responseProducts Query Mapping for MDM System
products-patch-payloadProducts Update Mapping for MDM System
products-post-payloadProducts Create Mapping for MDM System
products-search-responseProducts Search Mapping for MDM System
products-upsert-pricebooks-payloadProducts Create Mapping for MDM System
products-upsert-productcatalog-payloadProducts Create Mapping for MDM System
put-productitems-payloadSalesOrderProduct Mapping for MDM System
products-upsert-productcategory-payloadProducts Create Mapping for MDM System
put-related-parties-payloadRelatedParties Upsert Mapping for MDM System


Account Retrieve Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-get-account-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Account to CIM Account format

accountTypeACCOUNT_TYPEThe type of the account
assignTerritoryFlagASSIGN_TERRITORY_FLAGThe flag indicating if territory is assigned to the account
autoPayEnabledFlagAUTO_PAY_ENABLED_FLAGThe flag indicating if auto pay is enabled on the account
autoPaymentAmountAUTO_PAYMENT_AMOUNTThe auto payment amount on the account
balanceAmountBALANCE_AMOUNTThe balance amount on the account
balanceAmountLimitBALANCE_AMOUNT_LIMITThe balance limit on the account
billDeliveryMethodBILL_DELIVERY_METHODThe bill delivery method on the account
defaultFreightTermsDEFAULT_FREIGHT_TERMSThe default freight terms
descriptionDESCRIPTIONThe description of the account
generalLedgerAccountGENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNTThe general ledger account
holdStatusReasonHOLD_STATUS_REASONThe reason for hold status
idIDThe id of the account
lastActivityDateLAST_ACTIVITY_DATEThe last activity date
nameNAMEThe name of the account
ninetyDayBalanceAmountNINETY_DAY_BALANCE_AMOUNTThe 90 day balance amount on the account
numberNUMBERThe number of the account
paymentTermPAYMENT_TERMThe payment terms on the account
sixtyDayBalanceAmountSIXTY_DAY_BALANCE_AMOUNTThe 60 day balance amount
sLAExpirationDateS_LA_EXPIRATION_DATEThe SLA expiration date
sLATypeS_LA_TYPEThe SLA type
thirtyDayBalanceAmountTHIRTY_DAY_BALANCE_AMOUNTThe thirty day balance amount
useAsBillingAccountUSE_AS_BILLING_ACCOUNTThe flag to indicate whether to use as a billing account
useAsSalesAccountUSE_AS_SALES_ACCOUNTThe flag to indicate whether to use as a sales account
useAsServiceAccountUSE_AS_SERVICE_ACCOUNTThe flag to indicate whether to use as a service account
useAsShippingAccountUSE_AS_SHIPPING_ACCOUNTThe flag to indicate whether to use as a shipping account
orderDeliveryMethodACCOUNT_ORDER_DELIVERY_METHOD_JOINThe preferred delivery method for orders
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated

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Account Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-storedprocedure-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Account to MDM Account format

MDMCIMDefault ValueDescription
ididThe id of the account
accountTypeaccountTypeThe type of the account
assignTerritoryFlagassignTerritoryFlagfalseThe flag indicating if territory is assigned to the account
autoPayEnabledFlagautoPayEnabledFlagfalseThe flag indicating if auto pay is enabled on the account
autoPaymentAmountautoPaymentAmount0The auto payment amount on the account
balanceAmountbalanceAmount0The balance amount on the account
balanceAmountLimitbalanceAmountLimit0The balance limit on the account
billDeliveryMethodbillDeliveryMethodThe bill delivery method on the account
createdByauditInfo.createdByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which created the entity
createdDateauditInfo.createdDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was created
defaultFreightTermsdefaultFreightTermsThe default freight terms
descriptiondescriptionThe description of the account
generalLedgerAccountgeneralLedgerAccountThe general ledger account
holdStatusReasonholdStatusReasonThe reason for hold status
lastActivityDatelastActivityDateThe last activity date
namenameThe name of the account
ninetyDayBalanceAmountninetyDayBalanceAmount0The 90 day balance amount on the account
numbernumberThe number of the account
paymentTermpaymentTermThe payment terms on the account
sixtyDayBalanceAmountsixtyDayBalanceAmount0The 60 day balance amount
sLAExpirationDatesLAExpirationDateThe SLA expiration date
sLATypesLATypeThe SLA type
thirtyDayBalanceAmountthirtyDayBalanceAmount0The thirty day balance amount
useAsBillingAccountuseAsBillingAccountfalseThe flag to indicate whether to use as a billing account
useAsSalesAccountuseAsSalesAccountfalseThe flag to indicate whether to use as a sales account
useAsServiceAccountuseAsServiceAccountfalseThe flag to indicate whether to use as a service account
useAsShippingAccountuseAsShippingAccountfalseThe flag to indicate whether to use as a shipping account
orderDeliveryMethodorderDeliveryMethodThe preferred delivery method for orders
autoPaymentMethodautoPaymentMethodThe auto payment method
billContactAddressbillContactAddressThe billing contact address of the account
billFrequencybillFrequencyThe billing frequency
faxPhonefaxPhoneThe fax phone number associated with the account
parentAccountparentAccountThe associated parent account
partypartyThe party associated with the account
partyRolepartyRoleThe type of party role
primarySalesContactPointprimarySalesContactPointThe primary sales contact point
salesPhonesalesPhoneThe sales phone associated with the account
shippingAddressshippingAddressThe contact point address associated with the account
shippingContactshippingContactThe shipping contact of the account
shippingEmailshippingEmailThe contact point email associated with the account
shippingPhoneidshippingPhoneidThe contact point phone associated with the account
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which last updated the entity
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was last updated

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ContactPointAddress Create/Update Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contactpointsaddress-storedprocedure-request.dwl

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ContactPointEmail Create/Update Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contactpointsemail-storedprocedure-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM ContactPointEmail to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_ContactPointEmail_Create or sp_ContactPointEmail_Update

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDefault ValueDescription
ididThe id of the contactpoint
contactPointTypecontactPointTypeThe type of contact point
activeFromDateactiveFromDatenow()The date from which contactpoint is active
activeToDateactiveToDateThe date until which contactpoint is active
bestTimeToContactEndTimebestTimeToContactEndTimeThe best time to contact end time
bestTimeToContactStartTimebestTimeToContactStartTimeThe best time to contact start time
createdByauditInfo.createdByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which created the entity
createdDateauditInfo.createdDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was created
emailAddressemailAddress""The email address of the contactpoint
emailBouncedReasonemailBouncedReasonThe reason indicating why the email bounces
emailDomainemailDomainThe domain of the email address
emailLatestBounceDateTimeemailLatestBounceDateTimeTimestamp of when the email last bounced
emailMailBoxemailMailBoxThe email mail box to which email must be delivered
forBusinessUseforBusinessUseFlag to indicate whether this contactpoint is used for business purpose
forPersonalUseforPersonalUseFlag to indicate whether this contactpoint is used for personal use
isUsedForBillingisUsedForBillingFlag to indicate whether the email address is used for billing
isUsedForShippingisUsedForShippingFlag to indicate whether the email address is used for shipping
namenameThe name of the contactpoint email address
primaryFlagprimaryFlagFlag to indicate if the email address is primary
profileFirstCreatedDateprofileFirstCreatedDateTimestamp of when the profile was first created
profileLastUpdatedDateprofileLastUpdatedDateTimestamp of when the profile was last updated
profileOccurrenceCountprofileOccurrenceCountThe occurrence of profile
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which last updated the entity
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was last updated

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ContactPoint Retrieve Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contactpoints-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM ContactPoint to CIM ContactPoint format

CIMMDMDefault ValueDescription
For each caitem in CONTACT_POINT_ADDRESS
idcaitem.IDThe id of the contactpoint
activeFromDatecaitem.ACTIVE_FROM_DATEThe date from which contactpoint is active
activeToDatecaitem.ACTIVE_TO_DATEThe date until which contactpoint is active
addressLine1caitem.ADDRESS_LINE1The address line1 of the contactpoint address
addressLine2caitem.ADDRESS_LINE2The address line2 of the contactpoint address
addressLine3caitem.ADDRESS_LINE3The address line3 of the contactpoint address
addressLine4caitem.ADDRESS_LINE4The address line4 of the contactpoint address
bestTimeToContactEndTimecaitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_END_TIMEThe best time to contact end time
bestTimeToContactStartTimecaitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_START_TIMEThe best time to contact start time
cityNamecaitem.CITY_NAMEThe city name of the contactpoint address
countryNamecaitem.COUNTRY_NAMEThe country name of the contactpoint address
contactPointType["ContactPointAddress"]The type of contactpoint type
forBusinessUsecaitem.FOR_BUSINESS_USEFlag to indicate whether this contactpoint is used for business purpose
forPersonalUsecaitem.FOR_PERSONAL_USEFlag to indicate whether this contactpoint is used for personal use
geoAccuracycaitem.GEO_ACCURACYThe geo accuracy of the contactpoint address
geoLatitudecaitem.GEO_LATITUDEThe geo latitude of the contactpoint address
geoLongitudecaitem.GEO_LONGITUDEThe geo longitude of the contactpoint address
isUsedForBillingcaitem.IS_USED_FOR_BILLINGFlag to indicate whether the address is used for billing
isUsedForShippingcaitem.IS_USED_FOR_SHIPPINGFlag to indicate whether the address is used for billing
namecaitem.CONTACT_POINT_ADDRESS_NAMEThe name of the contactpoint address
postalCodeTextcaitem.POSTAL_CODE_TEXTThe postalcode of the contactpoint address
primaryFlagcaitem.PRIMARY_FLAGFlag to indicate if the address is primary
profileFirstCreatedDatecaitem.PROFILE_FIRST_CREATED_DATTimestamp of when the profile was first created
profileLastUpdatedDatecaitem.PROFILE_LAST_UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the profile was last updated
profileOccurrenceCountcaitem.PROFILE_OCCURRENCE_COUNTThe occurence of profile
stateProvinceNamecaitem.STATE_PROVINCE_NAMEThe state province of the contactpoint address
auditInfo.createdBycaitem.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDatecaitem.CREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedBycaitem.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDatecaitem.UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedcaitem.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted
END of foreach loop
For each cpitem in CONTACT_POINT_PHONE
idcpitem.IDThe id of the contactpoint
activeFromDatecpitem.ACTIVE_FROM_DATEThe date from which contactpoint is active
activeToDatecpitem.ACTIVE_TO_DATEThe date until which contactpoint is active
areaCodecpitem.AREA_CODEThe area code of the contactpoint
bestTimeToContactEndTimecpitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_END_TIMEThe best time to contact end time
bestTimeToContactStartTimecpitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_START_TIMEThe best time to contact start time
countryNamecpitem.COUNTRY_NAMEThe country name of the contact point phone
contactPointType["ContactPointPhone"]The type of contact point
extensionNumbercpitem.EXTENSION_NUMBERThe extension number of the contactpoint phone
forBusinessUsecpitem.FOR_BUSINESS_USEFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for business purpose
formattedE164PhoneNumbercpitem.FORMATTED_E164_PHONE_NUMBERThe formatted E164 phone number
formattedInternationalPhoneNumbercpitem.FORMATTED_INTERNATIONAL_PHONE_NUMBERThe formatted international phone number
formattedNationalPhoneNumbercpitem.FORMATTED_NATIONAL_PHONE_NUMBERThe formatted national phone number
forPersonalUsecpitem.FOR_PERSONAL_USEFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for personal use
isFaxCapablecpitem.IS_FAX_CAPABLEFlag to indicate whether the contactpoint phone is fax capable
isSMSCapablecpitem.IS_SM_SCAPABLEFlag to indicate whether the contactpoint phone is sms capable
namecpitem.CONTACT_POINT_PHONE_NAMEThe name of the contactpoint phone
phoneCountryCodecpitem.PHONE_COUNTRY_CODEThe country code of the contactpoint phone
primaryFlagcpitem.PRIMARY_FLAGFlag to indicate if the phone is primary
primaryPhoneTypecpitem.PRIMARY_PHONE_TYPEThe type of primary phone
profileFirstCreatedDatecpitem.PROFILE_FIRST_CREATED_DATETimestamp of when the profile was first created
profileLastUpdatedDatecpitem.PROFILE_LAST_UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the profile was last updated
profileOccurrenceCountcpitem.PROFILE_OCCURRENCE_COUNTThe occurence of profile
shortCodecpitem.SHORT_CODEThe short code of the contactpoint
telephoneNumbercpitem.TELEPHONE_NUMBERTelephone number of the contactpoint
auditInfo.createdBycpitem.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDatecpitem.CREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedBycpitem.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDatecpitem.UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedcpitem.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted
end of for each loop
For each ceitem in CONTACT_POINT_EMAIL
idceitem.IDThe id of the contactpoint
activeFromDateceitem.ACTIVE_FROM_DATEThe date from which contactpoint is active
activeToDateceitem.ACTIVE_TO_DATEThe date until which contactpoint is active
bestTimeToContactEndTimeceitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_END_TIMEThe best time to contact end time
bestTimeToContactStartTimeceitem.BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT_START_TIMEThe best time to contact start time
contactPointType["ContactPointEmail"]The type of contact point
emailAddressceitem.EMAIL_ADDRESSThe email address of the contactpoint
emailBouncedReasonceitem.EMAIL_LATEST_BOUNCE_REASON_TEXTThe reason indicating why the email bounces
emailDomainceitem.EMAIL_DOMAINThe domain of the email address
emailLatestBounceDateTimeceitem.EMAIL_LATEST_BOUNCE_DATE_TIMETimestamp of when the email last bounced
emailMailBoxceitem.EMAIL_MAIL_BOXThe email mail box to which email must be delivered
forBusinessUseceitem.FOR_BUSINESS_USEFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for business purpose
forPersonalUseceitem.FOR_PERSONAL_USEFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for personal use
nameceitem.CONTACT_POINT_EMAILADDRESS_NAMEThe name of the contactpoint email address
primaryFlagceitem.PRIMARY_FLAGFlag to indicate if the email address is primary
profileFirstCreatedDateceitem.PROFILE_FIRST_CREATED_DATETimestamp of when the profile was first created
profileLastUpdatedDateceitem.PROFILE_LAST_UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the profile was last updated
profileOccurrenceCountceitem.PROFILE_OCCURRENCE_COUNTThe occurence of profile
auditInfo.createdByceitem.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateceitem.CREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedByceitem.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateceitem.UPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedceitem.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted
END of foreach loop

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ContactPointPhone Create/Update Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contactpointsphone-storedprocedure-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM ContactPointPhone to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_ContactPointPhone_Create or sp_ContactPointPhone_Uopdate

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDefault ValueDescription
ididThe id of the contactpoint
contactPointTypecontactPointTypeThe type of contact point
activeFromDateactiveFromDatenow()The date from which contactpoint is active
activeToDateactiveToDateThe date until which contactpoint is active
areaCodeareaCodeThe area code of the contactpoint
bestTimeToContactEndTimebestTimeToContactEndTimeThe best time to contact end time
bestTimeToContactStartTimebestTimeToContactStartTimeThe best time to contact start time
countryNamecountryNameThe country name of the contact point phone
createdByauditInfo.createdByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which created the entity
createdDateauditInfo.createdDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was created
extensionNumberextensionNumberThe extension number of the contactpoint phone
formattedE164PhoneNumberformattedE164PhoneNumberThe formatted E164 phone number
formattedInternationalPhoneNumberformattedInternationalPhoneNumberThe formatted international phone number
formattedNationalPhoneNumberformattedNationalPhoneNumber"000-000-0000"The formatted national phone number
forBusinessUseforBusinessUseFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for business purpose
forPersonalUseforPersonalUseFlag to inidicate whether this contactpoint is used for personal use
isFaxCapableisFaxCapableFlag to indicate whether the contactpoint phone is fax capable
isSMSCapableisSMSCapableFlag to indicate whether the contactpoint phone is sms capable
namenameThe name of the contactpoint phone
phoneCountryCodephoneCountryCodeThe country code of the contactpoint phone
primaryFlagprimaryFlagFlag to indicate if the phone is primary
primaryPhoneTypeprimaryPhoneTypeThe type of primary phone
profileFirstCreatedDateprofileFirstCreatedDateTimestamp of when the profile was first created
profileLastUpdatedDateprofileLastUpdatedDateTimestamp of when the profile was last updated
profileOccurrenceCountprofileOccurrenceCountThe occurence of profile
shortCodeshortCodeThe short code of the contactpoint
telephoneNumbertelephoneNumber"000-000-0000"Telephone number of the contactpoint
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which last updated the entity
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was last updated

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Customer Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Customer to CIM Customer format

idIDThe id of the customer in MDM system
churnScoreCHURN_SCOREThe churn score of the customer
customerNumberCUSTOMER_NUMBERThe Customer Number in MDM
customerSatisfactionScoreCUSTOMER_SATISFACTION_SCOREThe customer satisfaction score
customerStatusCUSTOMER_STATUSThe status of the customer in MDM system
last12MonthsNewRevenueAmountLAST12_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNTThe last 12 months new revenue amount of the customer
last12MonthsSupportCallCountLAST12_MONTHS_SUPPORT_CALL_COUNTThe last 12 months support call count made by the customer
last24MonthsNewRevenueAmountLAST24_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNTThe last 24 months new revenue amount of the customer
marketingEmailResponseRateMARKETING_EMAIL_RESPONSE_RATEMarketing email response rate of the customer
netPromoterScoreNET_PROMOTER_SCOREThe net promoter score of the customer
originatingCustomerSourceORIGINATING_CUSTOMER_SOURCEThe originating source of the customer
party[ if(vars.individualRecord != null) (vars.individualRecord) else PARTY_ID ]The id of the individual as party
partyRoleTypePARTY_ROLE_TYPEThe type of party role - default as Customer
prospectRatingPROSPECT_RATINGThe prospect rating of the customer
totalBookingsAmountTOTAL_BOOKINGS_AMOUNTThe total bookings amount made by the customer
totalContractedAmountTOTAL_CONTRACTED_AMOUNTThe total contracted amount
totalLifeTimeValueTOTAL_LIFE_TIME_VALUEThe total lifetime value of the customer
totalProfitContributionAmountTOTAL_PROFIT_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNTThe total profit contribution amount by the customer
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the customer that are stored in MDM
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Customer Update Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers-patch-payload.dwl


var payloadRecordfromDB

payloadRecordfromDB is the existing customer record in MDM system

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to MDM Customer PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.

idvars.customerIdThe id of the customer in MDM
churnScoreif(CHURN_SCORE?) CHURN_SCORE else payloadRecordfromDB.churnScoreThe churn score of the customer
createdByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which created the entity - default as property app.name
createdDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
customerNumberif(CUSTOMER_NUMBER?) CUSTOMER_NUMBER else payloadRecordfromDB.customerNumberThe Customer Number to be stored in MDM
customerSatisfactionScoreif(CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION_SCORE?) CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION_SCORE else payloadRecordfromDB.customerSatisfactionScoreThe customer satisfaction score
customerStatusif(CUSTOMER_STATUS?) CUSTOMER_STATUS else payloadRecordfromDB.customerStatusThe status of the customer
last12MonthsNewRevenueAmountif(LAST12_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNT?) LAST12_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.last12MonthsNewRevenueAmountThe last 12 months new revenue amount of the customer
last12MonthsSupportCallCountif(LAST12_MONTHS_SUPPORT_CALL_COUNT?) LAST12_MONTHS_SUPPORT_CALL_COUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.last12MonthsSupportCallCountThe last 12 months support call count made by the customer
last24MonthsNewRevenueAmount: if(LAST24_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNT?) LAST24_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.last24MonthsNewRevenueAmountThe last 24 months new revenue amount of the customer
marketingEmailResponseRateif(MARKETING_EMAIL_RESPONSE_RATE?) MARKETING_EMAIL_RESPONSE_RATE else payloadRecordfromDB.marketingEmailResponseRateMarketing email response rate of the customer
netPromoterScoreif(NET_PROMOTER_SCORE?) NET_PROMOTER_SCORE else payloadRecordfromDB.netPromoterScoreThe net promoter score of the customer
originatingCustomerSourceif(ORIGINATING_CUSTOMER_SOURCE?) ORIGINATING_CUSTOMER_SOURCE else payloadRecordfromDB.originatingCustomerSourceThe originating source of the customer
prospectRatingif(PROSPECT_RATING?) PROSPECT_RATING else payloadRecordfromDB.prospectRatingThe prospect rating of the customer
totalBookingsAmountif(TOTAL_BOOKINGS_AMOUNT?) TOTAL_BOOKINGS_AMOUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.totalBookingsAmountThe total bookings amount made by the customer
totalContractedAmountif(TOTAL_CONTRACTED_AMOUNT?) TOTAL_CONTRACTED_AMOUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.totalContractedAmountThe total contracted amount
totalLifeTimeValueif(TOTAL_LIFE_TIME_VALUE?) TOTAL_LIFE_TIME_VALUE else payloadRecordfromDB.totalLifeTimeValueThe total lifetime value of the customer
totalProfitContributionAmountif(TOTAL_PROFIT_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNT?) TOTAL_PROFIT_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNT else payloadRecordfromDB.totalProfitContributionAmountThe total profit contribution amount by the customer
updatedByp('app.name')Identifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDatenow()Timestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp
partyIdif(party?) party[0] else payloadRecordfromDB.party[0]The id of the individual as party
partyRoleTypeif(PARTY_ROLE_TYPE?) PARTY_ROLE_TYPE else payloadRecordfromDB.partyRoleTypeThe type of party role - default as Customer

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Customer Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_Customers_Create

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
churnScorechurnScoreThe churn score of the customer
customerNumbercustomerNumberThe Customer Number to be stored in MDM
customerSatisfactionScorecustomerSatisfactionScoreThe customer satisfaction score
customerStatuscustomerStatusThe status of the customer
ididThe id of the customer
last12MonthsNewRevenueAmountlast12MonthsNewRevenueAmountThe last 12 months new revenue amount of the customer
last12MonthsSupportCallCountlast12MonthsSupportCallCountThe last 12 months support call count made by the customer
last24MonthsNewRevenueAmountlast24MonthsNewRevenueAmountThe last 24 months new revenue amount of the customer
marketingEmailResponseRatemarketingEmailResponseRateMarketing email response rate of the customer
netPromoterScorenetPromoterScoreThe net promoter score of the customer
originatingCustomerSourceoriginatingCustomerSourceThe originating source of the customer
prospectRatingprospectRatingThe prospect rating of the customer
totalBookingsAmounttotalBookingsAmountThe total bookings amount made by the customer
totalContractedAmounttotalContractedAmountThe total contracted amount
totalLifeTimeValuetotalLifeTimeValueThe total lifetime value of the customer
totalProfitContributionAmounttotalProfitContributionAmountThe total profit contribution amount by the customer
partyIdparty[0]The id of the individual as party
partyRoleTypepartyRoleType"Customer"The type of party role - default as Customer
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

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Customer Search Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers-search-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Customer to CIM Customer format

idIDThe id of the customer in MDM system
churnScoreCHURN_SCOREThe churn score of the customer
customerNumberCUSTOMER_NUMBERThe Customer Number in MDM
customerSatisfactionScoreCUSTOMER_SATISFACTION_SCOREThe customer satisfaction score
customerStatusCUSTOMER_STATUSThe status of the customer in MDM system
last12MonthsNewRevenueAmountLAST12_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNTThe last 12 months new revenue amount of the customer
last12MonthsSupportCallCountLAST12_MONTHS_SUPPORT_CALL_COUNTThe last 12 months support call count made by the customer
last24MonthsNewRevenueAmountLAST24_MONTHS_NEW_REVENUE_AMOUNTThe last 24 months new revenue amount of the customer
marketingEmailResponseRateMARKETING_EMAIL_RESPONSE_RATEMarketing email response rate of the customer
netPromoterScoreNET_PROMOTER_SCOREThe net promoter score of the customer
originatingCustomerSourceORIGINATING_CUSTOMER_SOURCEThe originating source of the customer
party[0]The individual information as party
idif(vars.individualRecord != null) (vars.individualRecord) else PARTY_IDThe id of the individual
partyTypePARTY_TYPEThe party type
personNamePERSON_NAMEThe person name of the individual
contactPoints [0]
contactPointType['ContactPointEmail']The contactpoint type Email
idEMAIL_IDThe id of the contactpoint stored in MDM
activeFromDateEMAIL_ACTIVE_FROM_DATEThe date from which the email address is active
emailAddressEMAIL_ADDRESSThe emailaddress of the individual stored in MDM
contactPoints [1]
contactPointType['ContactPointPhone']The contactpoint type Phone
idPHONE_IDThe id of the contactpoint stored in MDM
activeFromDatePHONE_ACTIVE_FROM_DATEThe date from which the Phone is active
formattedNationalPhoneNumberFORMATTED_NATIONAL_PHONE_NUMBERThe formatted national phone number of the individual stored in MDM
telephoneNumberTELEPHONE_NUMBERThe telephone number of the individual stored in MDM
partyRoleTypePARTY_ROLE_TYPEThe type of party role - default as Customer
prospectRatingPROSPECT_RATINGThe prospect rating of the customer
totalBookingsAmountTOTAL_BOOKINGS_AMOUNTThe total bookings amount made by the customer
totalContractedAmountTOTAL_CONTRACTED_AMOUNTThe total contracted amount
totalLifeTimeValueTOTAL_LIFE_TIME_VALUEThe total lifetime value of the customer
totalProfitContributionAmountTOTAL_PROFIT_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNTThe total profit contribution amount by the customer
(externalIdsvars.customerExternalIds) if (vars.customerExternalIds !=null and !(isEmpty(vars.customerExternalIds)))The external Ids of the customer that are stored in MDM
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeleted default falseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

(back to top)


ExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-externalids-response.dwl


var outputPayload

outputPayload variable is the maps the result of select query on MDM EXTERNAL_ID table.

(back to top)


ProductCatalog Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-productcatalog-response.dwl

(back to top)


ProductCategory Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-productcategory-response.dwl

(back to top)


ExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-productpricebookentry-response.dwl

(back to top)

RelatedParties Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-related-parties-response.dwl


fun formatDate (dateformats)

Maps MDM DB to CIM Json which is used by other process API's

CIMMDM DBDescription
idIDThe id of the entry in MDM system
relatedFromDateRELATED_FROM_DATERelated From Date with the Party
relatedToDateRELATED_TO_DATERelated To Date with the Party
relatedPartyPARTY_RELATED_PARTY_IDIndicates the Party that its related to
partyRelationshipTypePARTY_RELATION_TYPE.NAMEPre-defined relation ship between parties

(back to top)


ProductItems Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/orders-get-productitems-response.dwl

(back to top)


Order Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/orders-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Order to CIM Order format

confirmationRecipientEmailTextCONFIRMATION_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_TEXTConfirmation Recipient Email Text
descriptionDESCRIPTIONDescription about the Order
developerStatusCodeDEVELOPER_STATUS_CODEStatus Code for Developer
idIDThe id of the customer in MDM system
nameNAMEName of the Order
orderNumberORDER_NUMBEROrder Number to Identify the Order
requestedStartDateREQUESTED_START_DATERequested Start Date of the Order
totalDeliveryAmountTOTAL_DELIVERY_AMOUNTTotal Delivery Amount for the Order
totalDeliveryFeeAmountTOTAL_DELIVERY_FEE_AMOUNTDelivery Fee for the Order
grandTotalAmountGRAND_TOTAL_AMOUNTTotal Amount of Order
totalProductAmountTOTAL_PRODUCT_AMOUNTTotal Product Amount of the Order
totalTaxAmountTOTAL_TAX_AMOUNTTotal Tax Amount for the Order
salesOrderStatusSALES_ORDER_STATUSStatus of the Order. A predefined list of Statuses
salesOrderTypeSALES_ORDER_TYPEType of the Order. A predefined list of Types
soldToCustomerSOLD_TO_CUSTOMERCustomer associated with the Order.
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the customer that are stored in MDM
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

(back to top)


Order Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/orders-patch-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM SalesOrder to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_SalesOrder_Update

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
confirmationRecipientEmailTextconfirmationRecipientEmailTextConfirmation Recipient Email Text
descriptiondescriptionDescription about the Order
developerStatusCodedeveloperStatusCodeStatus Code for Developer
ididThe id of the customer in MDM system
namenameName of the Order
orderNumberorderNumberOrder Number to Identify the Order
requestedStartDaterequestedStartDateRequested Start Date of the Order
totalDeliveryAmounttotalDeliveryAmountTotal Delivery Amount for the Order
totalDeliveryFeeAmounttotalDeliveryFeeAmountDelivery Fee for the Order
grandTotalAmountgrandTotalAmountTotal Amount of Order
totalProductAmounttotalProductAmountTotal Product Amount of the Order
totalTaxAmounttotalTaxAmountTotal Tax Amount for the Oder
salesOrderStatussalesOrderStatusStatus of the Order. A predefined list of Statuses
salesOrderTypesalesOrderTypeType of the Order. A predefined list of Types
soldToCustomersoldToCustomerCustomer associated with the Order.
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the customer that are stored in MDM
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

(back to top)


Order Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/orders-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM SalesOrder to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_SalesOrder_Create

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
confirmationRecipientEmailTextconfirmationRecipientEmailTextConfirmation Recipient Email Text
descriptiondescriptionDescription about the Order
developerStatusCodedeveloperStatusCodeStatus Code for Developer
ididThe id of the customer in MDM system
namenameName of the Order
orderNumberorderNumberOrder Number to Identify the Order
requestedStartDaterequestedStartDateRequested Start Date of the Order
totalDeliveryAmounttotalDeliveryAmountTotal Delivery Amount for the Order
totalDeliveryFeeAmounttotalDeliveryFeeAmountDelivery Fee for the Order
grandTotalAmountgrandTotalAmountTotal Amount of Order
totalProductAmounttotalProductAmountTotal Product Amount of the Order
totalTaxAmounttotalTaxAmountTotal Tax Amount for the Oder
salesOrderStatussalesOrderStatusStatus of the Order. A predefined list of Statuses
salesOrderTypesalesOrderTypeType of the Order. A predefined list of Types
soldToCustomersoldToCustomerCustomer associated with the Order.
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the customer that are stored in MDM
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

(back to top)


Order Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/orders-search-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Order to CIM Order format

confirmationRecipientEmailTextCONFIRMATION_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_TEXTConfirmation Recipient Email Text
descriptionDESCRIPTIONDescription about the Order
developerStatusCodeDEVELOPER_STATUS_CODEStatus Code for Developer
idIDThe id of the customer in MDM system
nameNAMEName of the Order
orderNumberORDER_NUMBEROrder Number to Identify the Order
requestedStartDateREQUESTED_START_DATERequested Start Date of the Order
totalDeliveryAmountTOTAL_DELIVERY_AMOUNTTotal Delivery Amount for the Order
totalDeliveryFeeAmountTOTAL_DELIVERY_FEE_AMOUNTDelivery Fee for the Order
grandTotalAmountGRAND_TOTAL_AMOUNTTotal Amount of Order
totalProductAmountTOTAL_PRODUCT_AMOUNTTotal Product Amount of the Order
totalTaxAmountTOTAL_TAX_AMOUNTTotal Tax Amount for the Order
salesOrderStatusSALES_ORDER_STATUSStatus of the Order. A predefined list of Statuses
salesOrderTypeSALES_ORDER_TYPEType of the Order. A predefined list of Types
soldToCustomerSOLD_TO_CUSTOMERCustomer associated with the Order.
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the customer that are stored in MDM
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

(back to top)


Parties Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/parties-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM PartyRole to CIM PartyRole format

CIM - partyRoleMDM - PARTY_ROLEDescription
idIDThe party identifier stored in MDM
partyTypePARTY_TYPEThe party type stored in MDM
globalPartyGLOBAL_PARTYThe global party stored in MDM
noMergeReasonNO_MERGE_REASONThe reason for no merge

(back to top)

ExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/parties-related-parties-externalids.dwl

(back to top)


PartyRoles Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/partyroles-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM PartyRole to CIM PartyRole format

CIM - partyRoleMDM - PARTY_ROLEDescription
idIDThe id of the customer in MDM system
partyRoleTypePARTY_ROLE_TYPEThe party role type stored in MDM
party.idiPARTY_IDThe party identifier stored in MDM
partyTypePARTY_TYPEThe party type stores in MDM
globalPartyGLOBAL_PARTYThe global party stored in MDM
noMergeReasonNO_MERGE_REASONThe reason for no merge

(back to top)


ExternalIds Upsert Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/post-externalids-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM to Json which is used by stored procedure - sp_Individual_ExternalIds_Upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
ididThe id of the entry in MDM system
externalIdexternalIdA unique identifier assigned to the individual in another system
createdByapplication name from propertiesIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
updatedByapplication name from propertiesIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
externalIdTypeexternalIdTypeIdentifies the system that owns or otherwise recognises this unique identifier
statusstatusIndicates whether this identifier is currently valid or not
statusLastChangedDatestatusLastChangedDateDate and time of the last change in status

(back to top)


Products Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Product to CIM Product format

allowCustomerReturnALLOW_CUSTOMER_RETURNflag to allow customer to return a Product
allowPartialRefundALLOW_PARTIAL_REFUNDflag to allow partial refund for a Product
brandBRAND.NAMEbrand of a Product
brandGradeBRAND_GRADEbrand grade of a Product
canUseQuantityScheduleCAN_USE_QUANTITY_SCHEDULEflag for quantity schedule
canUseRevenueScheduleCAN_USE_REVENUE_SCHEDULEflag for revenue schedule
descriptionDESCRIPTIONdescription of the Product
displayUrlDISPLAY_URLdisplay URL of the Product
disposalTypeDISPOSAL_TYPEdisposal type of the Product
externalSourceRecordEXTERNAL_SOURCE_RECORDexternal source record of the Product
glAccountCodeGL_ACCOUNT_CODEGL Account Code of the Product
idIDunique Id of the Product
isAutoProvisionableIS_AUTO_PROVISIONABLEflag for auto provisioning
isBackOrderedIS_BACK_ORDEREDflag for back ordered Product
isCouponRedemptionAllowedIS_COUPON_REDEMPTION_ALLOWEDflag to allow redemption of coupon
isCustomerDiscountAllowedIS_CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow customer discount on the Product
isDynamicBundleIS_DYNAMIC_BUNDLEflag to highlight if a Product is part of a dynamic bundle
isFoodstampPaymentAllowedIS_FOODSTAMP_PAYMENT_ALLOWEDflag to allow food stamp payment
isInstallableIS_INSTALLABLEflag to install a Product
isIntellectualPropertyProtectedIS_INTELLECTUAL_PROPERTY_PROTECTEDflag to protect the Product as intellectual property
isManualPriceEntryRequiredIS_MANUAL_PRICE_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to enter the price of Product manually
isMultipleCouponsAllowedIS_MULTIPLE_COUPONS_ALLOWEDflag to allow multiple coupons on the Product
isPartnerDiscountAllowedIS_PARTNER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow partner discounts
isPreOrderableIS_PRE_ORDERABLEflag to preorder the Product
isQualityVerificationRequiredIS_QUALITY_VERIFICATION_REQUIREDflag to mandate verification of quality of the Product
isQuantityEntryRequiredIS_QUANTITY_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to mandate entry of quantity
isRainCheckAllowedIS_RAIN_CHECK_ALLOWEDflag to allow rain check
isReturnableIS_RETURNABLEflag to allow returning of Product
isSellableIS_SELLABLEflag allow a Product to be sold
isSellableIndependentlyIS_SELLABLE_INDEPENDENTLYflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSellableWithoutPriceIS_SELLABLE_WITHOUT_PRICEflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSerializedIS_SERIALIZEDflag to serialize a Product
isWeightEntryRequiredIS_WEIGHT_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to enter weight of the Product
isWorkerDiscountAllowedIS_WORKER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow discount for workers
longDescriptionLONG_DESCRIPTIONlong description of the Product
lotIdentityLOT_IDENTIFIERlot to identify the Product
manufacturerNameMANUFACTURER_NAMEmanufacturer name of the Product
masterProductPRODUCT_MASTER_PRODUCT_JOIN.PRODUCT_ID_RIGHTmaster Product of the Product
maximumOrderQuantityCountMAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY_COUNTmax. quantity that can be ordered of that Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountMINIMUM_ADVERTISEMENT_AMOUNTmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountStartDateMINIMUM_ADVERTISEMENT_AMOUNT_START_DATEmin. amount to start advertisement of the Product
minimumOrderQuantityCountMINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY_COUNTmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
modelNumberMODEL_NUMBERmodel number of the Product
modelYearMODEL_YEARmodel year of the Product
mSRPAmountMSRP_AMOUNTMSRP amount of the Product
nameNAMEname of the Product
priceChargeTypePRICE_CHARGE_TYPEprice change type of the Product
primaryProductCategoryPRODUCT_CATEGORY.NAMEprimary category of the Product
primarySalesChannelSALES_CHANNEL.NAMEprimary sales channel for the Product
productSKUPRODUCT_SKUSKU of the Product
productStatusPRODUCT_STATUSstatus of the Product
quantityInstallmentCountQUANTITY_INSTALLMENT_COUNTquantity installment count of the Product
quantityInstallmentPeriodQUANTITY_INSTALLMENT_PERIODquantity installment period of the Product
quantityScheduleTypeQUANTITY_SCHEDULE_TYPEquantity schedule type of the Product
requiredDepositAmountREQUIRED_DEPOSIT_AMOUNTrequested deposit amount for the Product
requiredDepositPercentageREQUIRED_DEPOSIT_PERCENTAGErequested deposit percentage for the Product
requiresInvididualUnitPricingREQUIRES_INVIDIDUAL_UNIT_PRICINGflag to highlight that the Product requires individual unit pricing
revenueInstallmentCountREVENUE_INSTALLMENT_COUNTrevenue installment count of the Product
revenueInstallmentPeriodREVENUE_INSTALLMENT_PERIODrevenue installment period of the Product
revenueScheduleTypeREVENUE_SCHEDULE_TYPErevenue schedule type of the Product
rewardProgramPointsCountREWARD_PROGRAM_POINTS_COUNTreward program points count of the Product
standardWarrantyLengthMonthSTANDARD_WARRANTY_LENGTH_MONTHstandard warranty length of the Product in months
stockLedgerValuationAmountSTOCK_LEDGER_VALUATION_AMOUNTstock ledger valuation amount of the Product
typeTYPEtype of Product
validForPeriodCountVALID_FOR_PERIOD_COUNTvalid for period count of the Product
validFromDateVALID_FROM_DATEvalid from date of the Product
validToDateVALID_TO_DATEvalid to date of the Product
versionNumberVERSION_NUMBERversion number of the Product
externalIdsvars.productExternalIdsThe externalIds of the products that are stored in MDM
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

(back to top)


Products Update Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-patch-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Product to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_Products_Create

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
allowCustomerReturnallowCustomerReturnflag to allow customer to return a Product
allowPartialRefundallowPartialRefundflag to allow partial refund for a Product
brandbrandbrand of a Product
brandGradebrandGradebrand grade of a Product
canUseQuantitySchedulecanUseQuantityScheduleflag for quantity schedule
canUseRevenueSchedulecanUseRevenueScheduleflag for revenue schedule
descriptiondescriptiondescription of the Product
displayUrldisplayUrldisplay URL of the Product
disposalTypedisposalTypedisposal type of the Product
externalSourceRecordexternalSourceRecordexternal source record of the Product
glAccountCodeglAccountCodeGL Account Code of the Product
ididunique Id of the Product
isAutoProvisionableisAutoProvisionableflag for auto provisioning
isBackOrderedisBackOrderedflag for back ordered Product
isCouponRedemptionAllowedisCouponRedemptionAllowedflag to allow redemption of coupon
isCustomerDiscountAllowedisCustomerDiscountAllowedflag to allow customer discount on the Product
isDynamicBundleisDynamicBundleflag to highlight if a Product is part of a dynamic bundle
isFoodstampPaymentAllowedisFoodstampPaymentAllowedflag to allow food stamp payment
isInstallableisInstallableflag to install a Product
isIntellectualPropertyProtectedisIntellectualPropertyProtectedflag to protect the Product as intellectual property
isManualPriceEntryRequiredisManualPriceEntryRequiredflag to enter the price of Product manually
isMultipleCouponsAllowedisMultipleCouponsAllowedflag to allow multiple coupons on the Product
isPartnerDiscountAllowedisPartnerDiscountAllowedflag to allow partner discounts
isPreOrderableisPreOrderableflag to preorder the Product
isQualityVerificationRequiredisQualityVerificationRequiredflag to mandate verification of quality of the Product
isQuantityEntryRequiredisQuantityEntryRequiredflag to mandate entry of quantity
isRainCheckAllowedisRainCheckAllowedflag to allow rain check
isReturnableisReturnableflag to allow returning of Product
isSellableisSellableflag allow a Product to be sold
isSellableIndependentlyisSellableIndependentlyflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSellableWithoutPriceisSellableWithoutPriceflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSerializedisSerializedflag to serialize a Product
isWeightEntryRequiredisWeightEntryRequiredflag to enter weight of the Product
isWorkerDiscountAllowedisWorkerDiscountAllowedflag to allow discount for workers
longDescriptionlongDescriptionlong description of the Product
lotIdentitylotIdentitylot to identify the Product
manufacturerNamemanufacturerNamemanufacturer name of the Product
masterProductmasterProductmaster Product of the Product
maximumOrderQuantityCountmaximumOrderQuantityCountmax. quantity that can be ordered of that Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountminimumAdvertisementAmountmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountStartDateminimumAdvertisementAmountStartDatemin. amount to start advertisement of the Product
minimumOrderQuantityCountminimumOrderQuantityCountmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
modelNumbermodelNumbermodel number of the Product
modelYearmodelYearmodel year of the Product
mSRPAmountmSRPAmountMSRP amount of the Product
namenamename of the Product
priceChargeTypepriceChargeTypeprice change type of the Product
primaryProductCategoryprimaryProductCategoryprimary category of the Product
primarySalesChannelprimarySalesChannelprimary sales channel for the Product
productSKUproductSKUSKU of the Product
productStatusproductStatusstatus of the Product
quantityInstallmentCountquantityInstallmentCountquantity installment count of the Product
quantityInstallmentPeriodquantityInstallmentPeriodquantity installment period of the Product
quantityScheduleTypequantityScheduleTypequantity schedule type of the Product
requiredDepositAmountrequiredDepositAmountrequested deposit amount for the Product
requiredDepositPercentagerequiredDepositPercentagerequested deposit percentage for the Product
requiresInvididualUnitPricingrequiresInvididualUnitPricingflag to highlight that the Product requires individual unit pricing
revenueInstallmentCountrevenueInstallmentCountrevenue installment count of the Product
revenueInstallmentPeriodrevenueInstallmentPeriodrevenue installment period of the Product
revenueScheduleTyperevenueScheduleTyperevenue schedule type of the Product
rewardProgramPointsCountrewardProgramPointsCountreward program points count of the Product
standardWarrantyLengthMonthstandardWarrantyLengthMonthstandard warranty length of the Product in months
stockLedgerValuationAmountstockLedgerValuationAmountstock ledger valuation amount of the Product
typetypetype of Product
validForPeriodCountvalidForPeriodCountvalid for period count of the Product
validFromDatevalidFromDatevalid from date of the Product
validToDatevalidToDatevalid to date of the Product
versionNumberversionNumberversion number of the Product
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the product that are stored in MDM
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

(back to top)


Products Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Product to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_Products_Create

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
allowCustomerReturnallowCustomerReturnflag to allow customer to return a Product
allowPartialRefundallowPartialRefundflag to allow partial refund for a Product
brandbrandbrand of a Product
brandGradebrandGradebrand grade of a Product
canUseQuantitySchedulecanUseQuantityScheduleflag for quantity schedule
canUseRevenueSchedulecanUseRevenueScheduleflag for revenue schedule
descriptiondescriptiondescription of the Product
displayUrldisplayUrldisplay URL of the Product
disposalTypedisposalTypedisposal type of the Product
externalSourceRecordexternalSourceRecordexternal source record of the Product
glAccountCodeglAccountCodeGL Account Code of the Product
ididunique Id of the Product
isAutoProvisionableisAutoProvisionableflag for auto provisioning
isBackOrderedisBackOrderedflag for back ordered Product
isCouponRedemptionAllowedisCouponRedemptionAllowedflag to allow redemption of coupon
isCustomerDiscountAllowedisCustomerDiscountAllowedflag to allow customer discount on the Product
isDynamicBundleisDynamicBundleflag to highlight if a Product is part of a dynamic bundle
isFoodstampPaymentAllowedisFoodstampPaymentAllowedflag to allow food stamp payment
isInstallableisInstallableflag to install a Product
isIntellectualPropertyProtectedisIntellectualPropertyProtectedflag to protect the Product as intellectual property
isManualPriceEntryRequiredisManualPriceEntryRequiredflag to enter the price of Product manually
isMultipleCouponsAllowedisMultipleCouponsAllowedflag to allow multiple coupons on the Product
isPartnerDiscountAllowedisPartnerDiscountAllowedflag to allow partner discounts
isPreOrderableisPreOrderableflag to preorder the Product
isQualityVerificationRequiredisQualityVerificationRequiredflag to mandate verification of quality of the Product
isQuantityEntryRequiredisQuantityEntryRequiredflag to mandate entry of quantity
isRainCheckAllowedisRainCheckAllowedflag to allow rain check
isReturnableisReturnableflag to allow returning of Product
isSellableisSellableflag allow a Product to be sold
isSellableIndependentlyisSellableIndependentlyflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSellableWithoutPriceisSellableWithoutPriceflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSerializedisSerializedflag to serialize a Product
isWeightEntryRequiredisWeightEntryRequiredflag to enter weight of the Product
isWorkerDiscountAllowedisWorkerDiscountAllowedflag to allow discount for workers
longDescriptionlongDescriptionlong description of the Product
lotIdentitylotIdentitylot to identify the Product
manufacturerNamemanufacturerNamemanufacturer name of the Product
masterProductmasterProductmaster Product of the Product
maximumOrderQuantityCountmaximumOrderQuantityCountmax. quantity that can be ordered of that Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountminimumAdvertisementAmountmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountStartDateminimumAdvertisementAmountStartDatemin. amount to start advertisement of the Product
minimumOrderQuantityCountminimumOrderQuantityCountmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
modelNumbermodelNumbermodel number of the Product
modelYearmodelYearmodel year of the Product
mSRPAmountmSRPAmountMSRP amount of the Product
namenamename of the Product
priceChargeTypepriceChargeTypeprice change type of the Product
primaryProductCategoryprimaryProductCategoryprimary category of the Product
primarySalesChannelprimarySalesChannelprimary sales channel for the Product
productSKUproductSKUSKU of the Product
productStatusproductStatusstatus of the Product
quantityInstallmentCountquantityInstallmentCountquantity installment count of the Product
quantityInstallmentPeriodquantityInstallmentPeriodquantity installment period of the Product
quantityScheduleTypequantityScheduleTypequantity schedule type of the Product
requiredDepositAmountrequiredDepositAmountrequested deposit amount for the Product
requiredDepositPercentagerequiredDepositPercentagerequested deposit percentage for the Product
requiresInvididualUnitPricingrequiresInvididualUnitPricingflag to highlight that the Product requires individual unit pricing
revenueInstallmentCountrevenueInstallmentCountrevenue installment count of the Product
revenueInstallmentPeriodrevenueInstallmentPeriodrevenue installment period of the Product
revenueScheduleTyperevenueScheduleTyperevenue schedule type of the Product
rewardProgramPointsCountrewardProgramPointsCountreward program points count of the Product
standardWarrantyLengthMonthstandardWarrantyLengthMonthstandard warranty length of the Product in months
stockLedgerValuationAmountstockLedgerValuationAmountstock ledger valuation amount of the Product
typetypetype of Product
validForPeriodCountvalidForPeriodCountvalid for period count of the Product
validFromDatevalidFromDatevalid from date of the Product
validToDatevalidToDatevalid to date of the Product
versionNumberversionNumberversion number of the Product
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the product that are stored in MDM
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

(back to top)


Products Search Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-search-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps MDM Product to CIM Product format

allowCustomerReturnALLOW_CUSTOMER_RETURNflag to allow customer to return a Product
allowPartialRefundALLOW_PARTIAL_REFUNDflag to allow partial refund for a Product
brandBRAND.NAMEbrand of a Product
brandGradeBRAND_GRADEbrand grade of a Product
canUseQuantityScheduleCAN_USE_QUANTITY_SCHEDULEflag for quantity schedule
canUseRevenueScheduleCAN_USE_REVENUE_SCHEDULEflag for revenue schedule
descriptionDESCRIPTIONdescription of the Product
displayUrlDISPLAY_URLdisplay URL of the Product
disposalTypeDISPOSAL_TYPEdisposal type of the Product
externalSourceRecordEXTERNAL_SOURCE_RECORDexternal source record of the Product
glAccountCodeGL_ACCOUNT_CODEGL Account Code of the Product
idIDunique Id of the Product
isAutoProvisionableIS_AUTO_PROVISIONABLEflag for auto provisioning
isBackOrderedIS_BACK_ORDEREDflag for back ordered Product
isCouponRedemptionAllowedIS_COUPON_REDEMPTION_ALLOWEDflag to allow redemption of coupon
isCustomerDiscountAllowedIS_CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow customer discount on the Product
isDynamicBundleIS_DYNAMIC_BUNDLEflag to highlight if a Product is part of a dynamic bundle
isFoodstampPaymentAllowedIS_FOODSTAMP_PAYMENT_ALLOWEDflag to allow food stamp payment
isInstallableIS_INSTALLABLEflag to install a Product
isIntellectualPropertyProtectedIS_INTELLECTUAL_PROPERTY_PROTECTEDflag to protect the Product as intellectual property
isManualPriceEntryRequiredIS_MANUAL_PRICE_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to enter the price of Product manually
isMultipleCouponsAllowedIS_MULTIPLE_COUPONS_ALLOWEDflag to allow multiple coupons on the Product
isPartnerDiscountAllowedIS_PARTNER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow partner discounts
isPreOrderableIS_PRE_ORDERABLEflag to preorder the Product
isQualityVerificationRequiredIS_QUALITY_VERIFICATION_REQUIREDflag to mandate verification of quality of the Product
isQuantityEntryRequiredIS_QUANTITY_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to mandate entry of quantity
isRainCheckAllowedIS_RAIN_CHECK_ALLOWEDflag to allow rain check
isReturnableIS_RETURNABLEflag to allow returning of Product
isSellableIS_SELLABLEflag allow a Product to be sold
isSellableIndependentlyIS_SELLABLE_INDEPENDENTLYflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSellableWithoutPriceIS_SELLABLE_WITHOUT_PRICEflag to allow a Product to be sold independently
isSerializedIS_SERIALIZEDflag to serialize a Product
isWeightEntryRequiredIS_WEIGHT_ENTRY_REQUIREDflag to enter weight of the Product
isWorkerDiscountAllowedIS_WORKER_DISCOUNT_ALLOWEDflag to allow discount for workers
longDescriptionLONG_DESCRIPTIONlong description of the Product
lotIdentityLOT_IDENTIFIERlot to identify the Product
manufacturerNameMANUFACTURER_NAMEmanufacturer name of the Product
masterProductPRODUCT_MASTER_PRODUCT_JOIN.PRODUCT_ID_RIGHTmaster Product of the Product
maximumOrderQuantityCountMAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY_COUNTmax. quantity that can be ordered of that Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountMINIMUM_ADVERTISEMENT_AMOUNTmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
minimumAdvertisementAmountStartDateMINIMUM_ADVERTISEMENT_AMOUNT_START_DATEmin. amount to start advertisement of the Product
minimumOrderQuantityCountMINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY_COUNTmin. amount of advertisement of the Product
modelNumberMODEL_NUMBERmodel number of the Product
modelYearMODEL_YEARmodel year of the Product
mSRPAmountMSRP_AMOUNTMSRP amount of the Product
nameNAMEname of the Product
priceChargeTypePRICE_CHARGE_TYPEprice change type of the Product
primaryProductCategoryPRODUCT_CATEGORY.NAMEprimary category of the Product
primarySalesChannelSALES_CHANNEL.NAMEprimary sales channel for the Product
productSKUPRODUCT_SKUSKU of the Product
productStatusPRODUCT_STATUSstatus of the Product
quantityInstallmentCountQUANTITY_INSTALLMENT_COUNTquantity installment count of the Product
quantityInstallmentPeriodQUANTITY_INSTALLMENT_PERIODquantity installment period of the Product
quantityScheduleTypeQUANTITY_SCHEDULE_TYPEquantity schedule type of the Product
requiredDepositAmountREQUIRED_DEPOSIT_AMOUNTrequested deposit amount for the Product
requiredDepositPercentageREQUIRED_DEPOSIT_PERCENTAGErequested deposit percentage for the Product
requiresInvididualUnitPricingREQUIRES_INVIDIDUAL_UNIT_PRICINGflag to highlight that the Product requires individual unit pricing
revenueInstallmentCountREVENUE_INSTALLMENT_COUNTrevenue installment count of the Product
revenueInstallmentPeriodREVENUE_INSTALLMENT_PERIODrevenue installment period of the Product
revenueScheduleTypeREVENUE_SCHEDULE_TYPErevenue schedule type of the Product
rewardProgramPointsCountREWARD_PROGRAM_POINTS_COUNTreward program points count of the Product
standardWarrantyLengthMonthSTANDARD_WARRANTY_LENGTH_MONTHstandard warranty length of the Product in months
stockLedgerValuationAmountSTOCK_LEDGER_VALUATION_AMOUNTstock ledger valuation amount of the Product
typeTYPEtype of Product
validForPeriodCountVALID_FOR_PERIOD_COUNTvalid for period count of the Product
validFromDateVALID_FROM_DATEvalid from date of the Product
validToDateVALID_TO_DATEvalid to date of the Product
versionNumberVERSION_NUMBERversion number of the Product
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Products Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-upsert-pricebooks-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Product to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_PriceBookEntry_upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
allowCustomerReturnallowCustomerReturnflag to allow customer to return a Product
brandbrandbrand of a Product
descriptiondescriptiondescription of the Product
externalSourceRecordexternalSourceRecordexternal source record of the Product
ididunique Id of the Product
namenamename of the Product
priceChargeTypepriceChargeTypeprice change type of the Product
productSKUproductSKUSKU of the Product
productStatusproductStatusstatus of the Product
quantityInstallmentCountquantityInstallmentCountquantity installment count of the Product
externalIdsvars.customerExternalIdsThe externalIds of the product that are stored in MDM
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

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Products Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-upsert-productcatalog-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Product to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_ProductCatalog_upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
activeFromDateactiveFromDateactiveFromDate of a Product
activeToDateactiveToDateactiveToDate of the Product
ididunique Id of the Product
namenamename of the Product
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

(back to top)


SalesOrderProduct Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/put-productitems-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM to Json which is used by stored procedure - sp_SalesOrderProduct_Upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
ididThe id of the entry in MDM system
descriptionDESCRIPTIONdescription of the Product
giftOrderMessageTextGIFT_ORDER_MESSAGE_TEXTGift order Message Text of the Product Item
isBonusProductIS_BONUS_PRODUCTflag to highlight as Bonus Product
isBundleRootIS_BUNDLE_ROOTflag to mark as Bundle root
isGiftIS_GIFTflag to mark the item as Gift
orderedQuantityORDERED_QUANTITYquantity of the Product Item ordered
productproductproduct related to the Product Item
orderProductNumberORDER_PRODUCT_NUMBERProduct Number of the Product Item
quantityOrderedUOMQUANTITY_ORDERED_UOMunit of measure for quantity of the Product Items ordered
salesOrderSales_Ordersales order of the Product Item
segmentIndexNumberSEGMENT_INDEX_NUMBERsegment Index Number of the Product Item
totalPriceAmountTOTAL_PRICE_AMOUNTtotal price amount of Product Items
totalTaxAmountTOTAL_TAX_AMOUNTtotal tax amount of Product Items
totalUnitPriceAmountTOTAL_UNIT_PRICE_AMOUNTtotal unit price amount of Product Items

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Products Create Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/products-upsert-productcategory-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Product to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_ProductCategory_upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
activeFromDateactiveFromDateactiveFromDate of a Product
activeToDateactiveToDateactiveToDate of the Product
parentCategoryparentCategoryparentCategory record of the Product
ididunique Id of the Product
namenamename of the Product
productCatalogproductCatalogProduct Catalog of the Product
createdDateauditInfo.createdDateIdentifies the system or user which created the entity - default as current timestamp
createdByauditInfo.createdByTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
updatedByauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity - default as property app.name
updatedDateauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated - default as current timestamp

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RelatedParties Upsert Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/put-related-parties-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM to Json which is used by stored procedure - Parties_RelatedParties_Upsert

JSON used by the stored procedureCIMDescription
ididThe id of the entry in MDM system
createdByapplication name from propertiesIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
updatedByapplication name from propertiesIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
relatedFromDaterelatedFromDateRelated From Date with the Party
relatedToDaterelatedToDateRelated To Date with the Party
relatedPartyrelatedPartyIndicates the Party that its related to
partyRelationshipTypepartyRelationshipTypePre-defined relation ship between parties

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onSep 17, 2022
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Asset versions for 2.6.x

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